
Ars Poetica A.K.A. Hello World!

This is supposed to be a semi-serious blog linked to our podcast channel.

Find more info about us and our approach here.

For inspiration, we would like to quote Molly Crockett (how adorable is she and her name btw), from her amazing Ted talk, which can be seen here

So what I'm going to do is to show you how to spot a couple of classic moves, dead giveaways, really, for what's been called neuro-bunk, neuro-bollocks, or, my personal favourite, neuro-flapdoodle. 

I mean, the summary of our manifesto would be more like this (with minor modifications)

Ask the tough questions. Ask to see the evidence. Ask for the part of the story that's not being told. The answer should not be simple, because science is not simple. But that is not stopping us trying to figure it out anyway. 

This comes here just because we wanted to stick on nice visuals, but
then Molly pointed out that its not nice to put a brain on it - it adds credibility.
Nevertheless, neurons are freaking amazing, and the image is a way more original than a schematic brain (#prouddphilstudent) 

So, we hope that you agree with the first, in that there is quite a lot of trash out there, and the second, in that we should careful sift through to find the nuggets that are really meaningful examples of human endeavour.

Eszter & Karl

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